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20 January 2023

Media Release – AFCA cautions Labor on $80m announcement

NSW Labor yesterday announced a Great Koala National Park for the areas between Grafton and Kempsey if elected in March. The plan intends to review a proposal to preserve and hand over management of well managed state forests to National Parks.

The Australian Forest Contractors Association is cautioning NSW Labor around any decisions that removes the effective management of this forest areas by highly skilled operators if elected into government.

“Land management needs to be done correctly, by the right government entity and the right skilled workers. This proposal has to potential to lead to native environments that are not well managed for natural disaster preparedness and access. The careless nature of this announcement will mean increased uncertainty in the forestry sector and potentially a mass exit of skilled labour. The same skilled labour these communities turn to during a catastrophic fire events like experienced in NSW in 2019 and 2020.” Stated AFCA General Manager, Carlie Porteous.

The $80 million dollars will be spent to engage with stakeholders and review the science. The science is clear and has been well reported by the Department of Primary Industries:

……. A recent NSW Government study of koala populations in NSW’s north-east forests that used advanced koala detection technology found that timber harvesting has no impact on koala numbers.

The study found:

“… past timber harvesting did not influence koala occupancy. There was no difference in results between heavily harvested, lightly harvested and old growth sites.

“Time since harvesting and the amount of harvesting in the local area did not influence occupancy. There was also no difference between National Park and state forest sites.” – Dr Brad Law, NSW Department of Primary Industries.

The Australian Forest Product Association Deputy CEO Victor Violante also called out the science and has requested NSW Labor be clear on its intentions leading up to the election in March.

“While we acknowledge NSW Labor says it will consult and research before determining the boundaries of the Great Koala National Park, timber industry workers deserve more detail before the election about what NSW Labor’s plan will mean for their jobs and communities. AFPA NSW will continue to engage with NSW Labor and urge Chris Minns to urgently address workers’ concerns,” Mr Violante concluded.

AFCA General Manager Carlie Porteous has called for NSW Labor to ensure it conducts its consultation in a balanced, transparent and fair way if it truly wishes to make a difference in the endangered classification of this iconic animal.

“The industry supports the science. We encourage Labor to be thorough in its engagement process and not to fall into the trap of confusing ‘land-clearing activities’ with well managed forests” concluded Ms Porteous.


Media Contact:

Carlie Porteous

General Manager | Australian Forest Contractors Association

M +61 438 873 307  | W  | E


Australian Forest Contractors Association

PO Box 231 Kedron Qld 4031

P 0438 873 307

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